The Cattlemen’s Congress provides an opportunity to showcase genetics, provide marketing opportunities and access to the latest industry products and services and educational opportunities for your breeders, members, and industry enthusiasts.
2024 CC Show Highlights:
- Hosted more than 20 National Breed Association Shows
- 15 + Cattle Sale Grossing more than $10 Million
- 44 States and 5 Countries Represented
- $50 Million Economic Impact on Oklahoma
- Nearly 9,000 Head of Cattle Exhibited and 2,700 + Individual Exhibitors
The CC will showcase the following events and featured highlights outlined below at the 2025 show:
- National Open and Junior Breeding Heifer Shows – European and American Breeds
- 6 Supreme Drives – Junior Breeding Heifers, Open Breeding Heifers and Open Bulls.
- National Breed Sales – Live and online bidding available – Semen and embryos offered as well
- Specialty Breed sales located at venues close to the Oklahoma State Fair Park
- Pens of 3 and 5 Bulls and Heifer show
Carloads of 8 Bull show - Herd Sire Display Area of some of the Nation’s Top Purebred and Clubby type Bulls.
- Semen Companies/Genetics Companies
International Room – Tours, socials, and breeder information - Junior Market Steer show
- Open Prospect Steer and Heifer show
- Indoor and Outdoor Vendor Space
- Featuring the Industry’s Latest Products and Services
- Premier Marketing Opportunities through Sponsorship
- Collegiate Junior and Senior Judging Contests
- Educational Opportunities
The State Fair Park has over 900,000 sq ft of barn space with the ability to house in excess of 3,500 head of cattle at a time as well as display areas for the Herd Sire Display. There are 4 show rings within the barn complex to hold shows and a designated sale area as needed. As a result, there will be an opportunity to feature many associations and non-association sponsored breed sales with live and/or videoed lots. The Oklahoma City area also has other venue alternatives for breed association functions as well as a broad selection of hotels and restaurants.
We are looking forward to offering the Cattlemen’s Congress – the premier cattlemen’s event of 2025. We are working to finalize more information for our International Guests; however, in the meantime, please contact or for more information.

Jan. 4-15, 2026
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

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