Herd Sire Displays
The Herd Sire Displays are always a crowd favorite! Here you’ll find not only the hottest clubby bulls, you’ll also find purebred sires and industry leaders showcasing their newest genetics. At the 2024 Cattlemen’s Congress there were:
• More than 20 National Breed Associations
• 18 Cattle Sales Grossing more nearly $10 Million
• 42 States and 8 Countries Represented, Including Canada, Argentina, United Kingdom, Mexico, Norway, Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Australia
• $50 Million Economic Impact on Oklahoma
• Nearly 9,000 head of cattle exhibited and 2,300+ exhibitors and ranches
• Hosting Open, Junior, Pen and Carload show
• World class Trade Show and Bull Displays
Herd Sire bulls and booth displays must be setup January 9-12, 2025. You may setup anytime after January 1st and this year you may stay setup longer if you wish. The booth display area will be in Barn 3. Below please find the term and conditions concerning the display area information for the 2025 Herd Sire Display.
The deadline for reserving your space is December 3, 2023 and payment must be made in full by December 3rd.
Deadline – DECEMBER 3rd – Let us know by this date!
Note: The Herd Sire Area is strictly for Breed Associations, Semen Companies and those exhibiting and promoting Herd Sires. Only those materials associated with the promotion and advertisement of Semen Companies and herd sires can be distributed. No alcohol or X-rated handout materials will be allowed! Anyone found in violation will be immediately shut down and asked to leave the grounds. No commercial exhibits are allowed.
Following are the Guidelines for the 3rd Annual Cattlemen’s Congress Herd Sire display. These TERMS will be adhered to without exception or you will be subject to stall forfeiture for future years.
1. PAYMENT: The form for the space must be filled out and signed and payment made online no later than December 3rd. If payments are not made by the due date, those pens will be rented to other exhibitors. We will maintain a waiting list! Subletting of Herd Sire Pens is not allowed. Failure to comply will result in the loss of your pen in future years.
2. LENGTH OF DISPLAY: All displays must be in place no later than 8:00 A.M., Thursday, January 9th and remain through 4:00 P.M., Sunday, January 12th. You may stall your bulls or display earlier than January 9th and stay after January 12th.
3. ARRIVAL & DEPARTURE: Upon arrival to the grounds, you must check in to check on your pen assignment incase adjustments were made.
4. HEALTH PAPERS: You will need to have health papers on your cattle in the Herd Sire area. In addition to the regular health requirements, you will need to have a negative BVD-PI test. See Health requirements on this email and on our website at cattlemenscongress.com.
5. POWER: We are limited on power sources.
6. SIZE: All display spaces are 10’ x 10’. The front of each space is open
7. BOOTH NEEDS & POP UP TENTS: Pop up tents may be used in this area. The tent material must meet NFPA 701 flame retardant requirements (should have a tag). To obtain information on pipe and drape, tables, and chairs email: Conventions and More, Marie Jackson: marie@conventionsandmore.com
8. COST: All pens will be $800.00 per pen. The cost of each pen includes a payment of 2 head.
9. FEES: The standard fee of $100.00 will be charged for each animal over the two (2) allowed per display pen rented. This fee, which pertains to all animals for private sale or show purposes, is payable before animals will be allowed on grounds.
10. NIGHT PENS: Night pen space is not guaranteed and will be assigned at time of arrival. Every attempt will be made to have night pen space for anyone who wants it.
If you have any other questions, please let Erin Dorsey know: 970.396.5420 or email erin@cattlemenscongress.com.
Jan. 4 – 16, 2025
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Web Design by Novel Designs