For more information contact:
Tyler Norvell
President of Onward Foundation
Vice President of Communications
The following rules and regulations will be implemented to ensure the health and safety of all in attendance at the 2021 Cattlemen’s Congress.
The Cattlemen’s Congress is a newly formed non-profit entity, which provides an opportunity for cattlemen and women from across North America to showcase their cattle genetics to fellow breeders and industry professionals. Within the agriculture industry, business is conducted at livestock shows across the nation and is a critical part of marketing livestock. The board and staff at the Cattlemen’s Congress understand the vital role events such as this provide to cattle breeders.
Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, our priority always has, and always will be, the health and well-being of our exhibitors, vendors, volunteers and staff. Throughout the 17-day event, held January 2-17 in Oklahoma City, the following rules and regulations will be implemented to ensure the health and safety of all in attendance.
To prevent the spread of COVID-19, the OKC Fairgrounds will provide the following:
– Hand sanitizing stations across the fairgrounds
– Enhanced cleaning efforts with extra attention to high-traffic areas
– Minimized close-contact measures and physical-distancing signage
– Encouraged social-distancing procedures during the event
– Fairground employees wearing personal protective equipment
– Venue closed to the general public for the duration of the event
Exhibitor and Attendee Responsibilities Include:
– Exhibitors and attendees will be held responsible for providing and utilizing their own personal protective equipment, including but not limited to face protection, personal hand sanitizer, gloves, thermometers, etc.
– Face protection/face coverings are required per OKC Fairgrounds guidelines. Exhibitors and attendees are required to wear face protection/face coverings in all indoor areas, including but not limited to the stands, Show Office, trade show, barn, bathrooms and showrings.
– Arena entrances/exits will be arranged so that exhibitors are not in close contact with one another. Loitering in these areas will not be permitted around the entrance or exit to the show rings and no foot traffic around the in-gates.
– Exhibitors will be limited to one assistant and all others must view the show from the stands around the arena.
– Seating in the arena will be spaced in such a way as to facilitate social distancing.
– Social-distancing is required at all times. No exceptions will be allowed.
– Daily temperature screenings are the responsibility of the individual. Additional screenings with no-touch thermometers may be required for entry. Based on guidance from health authorities, anyone with a temperature of 100F or above should not attend.
– Cattlemen’s Congress requires exhibitors and attendees to complete a waiver before arriving at the show.
– Exhibitors, attendees and staff must abide by social-distancing and health protocols; failure to follow protocols could result in removal from the OKC Fairgrounds. Individuals will receive a warning for the first offense, mandatory discussion with show management for the second offense and could be removed from the facility for the third offense, forfeiting any fees paid.
General COVID-19 Information:
An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any setting where people are present. All exhibitors and attendees are ultimately responsible for protecting themselves and preventing the spread of COVID-19. If you have been in contact with anyone exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms within the past 14 days of attending the show, have a fever or other symptoms, or are immune compromised, it is recommended to refrain from attending the 2021 Cattlemen’s Congress, per Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization recommendations. Please review the current CDC and WHO guidelines prior to the event to remain up to date on current standards and procedures.
Additional Health Resources Include:
Cattlemen’s Congress exhibitors and attendees can access the following resources for more information on local testing sites, local mandates or further recommendations on how to stop the spread of COVID-19.
For testing-site information, visit the Oklahoma State Department of Health.
For information pertaining to the virus and recommendations, visit the CDC website.
Visit the WHO webpage for more information about the current situation.
Cattlemen’s Congress is continuing to monitor the status of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our priority is to protect the health and welfare of our members and staff. More updates will be available as the situation evolves at
Please note, guidelines and protocols could be modified, pending local, state and federal mandates.
Refer to for the most up-to-date information before attending the event. The Cattlemen’s Congress will be streamed live online at
For the latest information regarding the Cattlemen’s Congress, visit our website,